Seven Sisters Jan 14

Starting from Yavapai Vista
P1099701   SEVEN SISTERS P1099702 P1099703 P1099704
P1099706   High on the fronyt side, facing Hwy 179 P1099707 P1099708 P1099709
P1099710 P1099713 P1099714 P1099715
P1099716 P1099717 P1099718 P1099720
P1099721 P1099723 P1099724 P1099725
P1099726 P1099727 P1099728 P1099729
P1099730 P1099732 P1099733 P1099734
P1099735 P1099736 P1099737 P1099738   Coming aound the north end of the Sisters, to see Cathedral Rock
P1099739 P1099740 P1099741 P1099745   ...WHich is where we pause.
P1099746 P1099747 P1099748 P1099750   We come back along a lower trail
P1099751 P1099752 P1099753 P1099755
P1099756 P1099757 P1099758 P1099759
P1099761 P1099762